August 21, 2018 1 min read

Wild Rose & Rose Hips

Wild Rose is a prolific botanical whose fragrant blossoms grow in clusters. After blooming, these small but sturdy flowers produce many fruits, known as rose hips. These hard, berry-like orbs are a rich and rare plant source for essential fatty acids.


Wild Rose hips are abundant in Vitamins A, C, and E. Rich in flavonoids and tannins, the fruits of this flower help reduce the appearance of pores. It also improve skin’s tone and texture by helping to support skin's natural barrier.


In traditional Eastern medicine, the leaves of the Wild Rose plant were used as a poultice to treat wounds. Water infused with dried rose petals was also served as a tea to relieve headaches.


Wild Rose was cultivated for its medicinal benefits.

Did You Know

A single stem of the Wild Rose can produce up to 400 blossoms.

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